Billboards advertising in lekki and the cost of billboard advertising per month in Ikoyi, and Victoria Island Lagos.
Billboard advertising is a form of marketing that makes you stand out among your competitors and gives your brand recognition and credibility.
It is the process of using large-scale print and digital advertising boards called billboards or hoardings (known to those in the UK) to market or promote a brand.
List of billboards in lekki Lagos and the cost of advertising per monthÂ
- Digital Billboards (LED).
- Unipole Billboard.
- Lamppost Advertising.
- 48 Sheet Billboard.
- Mobile Billboards or Mobile Led Advert Truck.
- Three-Dimensional Billboards.
- Wall mount
The cost of billboard advertising in other parts of Nigeria depends on the location and the type of billboard.
The cost of billboard advertisement placement in places like Lekki, Ikoyi, and VI can cost around N 350,000 (Three hundred and fifty thousand) and N5,000,000 (Five million naira) per  MONTH (30 DAYS).
The cost of the Billboards advertising could be higher depending on the location and type of billboards you intend to run advertisement on, but Digital billboards (LED) and generally more expensive than static billboards.
If you wish to do Billboard advertising in lekki or need the cost of billboard advertising per month in Ikoyi, Victoria Island Lagos, etc, call 07014039333 or 08140806869 for FREE CONSULTATION.
It also depends on some factors which you need to cater for:
- LOCATION OF THE BILLBOARD: You first consider factors like getting a precise location for your target audience, where your customers’ coverage is, etc.
You need to organize where your target audience is and where to meet them.
- TYPE OF BILLBOARD(STATIC OR DIGITAL BILLBOARD): Billboard advertising cost in Nigeria looks at two major types;
- STATIC BILLBOARD: This is a means of a billboard displaying a fixed advertisement face, where the face is not changeable within seconds or minutes but there has to re-erect another face for there to be a change.
- DIGITAL BILLBOARD (LED): It is a billboard that displays digital images that are changed by a computer system every 8 seconds.
- FEE PAID TO APCON: APCON an acronym for Advertisers Practitioners Council of Nigeria is a government advertising regulatory body.
 All billboards must be approved by APCON and it costs from N25, OOO (twenty-five thousand naira) to N275, 000(two hundred and seventy-five thousand naira) per advertisement depending on the turnaround time.
APCON has three vetting options
- Regular vetting (15 working days) N25,000
- 16 hours Accelerated vetting (2 days) N175,000
- 8 Hours accelerated vetting (1 days) N275,000
- DESIGNING COST FOR BANNERS: You have to design an eye-catching design that would grab the attention of the audience and the advertisement that would be bold enough for them to read because the audience is always on the go.
- RENT COST|: Every agency in Nigeria charges differently for the rent cost of billboard advertising in Nigeria depending on the location.
Billboard advertising is very effective in promoting and marketing your brand. It is also used as a means to build brand awareness and broadcast your business to as many people as possible.
Billboard advertising allows customers to recall a brand especially when it is their favorite brand, for instance; a driver stuck on the highway or waiting for the traffic light to turn green comes across a digital billboard promoting their favorite brand bringing a new product, and it would be hard to resist such advert.
Billboards tend to have the highest number of views and impressions when compared to other marketing and advertising methods.
                           WHERE CAN I GET A BILLBOARD?
             At Alternative adverts Ltd, we offer our clients the opportunity to advertise on over 1,000 billboards around Nigeria,  being one of the leading advertising agencies in Nigeria with over ten years of experience and expertise offering BILLBOARD ADVERTISEMENT SERVICES at an affordable price without compromising quality.
The company has a stronghold both in Nigeria and Africa.
It is part of one of the leading outdoor advertising in Nigeria with many awards and recognition for its claims.
They offer services like pay per click (PPC), and search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM) and have also mastered the best hack strategies and also tactics for social marketing.
For more information about Billboard advertising in lekki and the cost of billboard advertising per month in Ikoyi, Victoria Island Lagos, and other parts of Nigeria call 07014039333 or 08140806869, for FREE CONSULTATION.