Bridge Panel Billboard Nnamdi Azikiwe Way by Constitution Avenue, Abuja

Original price was: ₦1,000,000.00.Current price is: ₦900,000.00.

Board Type: Bridge Panel

Dimension: 32m X 2m

Coverage Area: Wuse/Wuye/Area1/ Berger

Description: Bridge Panel Billboard Nnamdi Azikiwe Way by Constitution Avenue,  behind Stadium , before Finance Bridge Abuja

Board Type: Bridge Panel

Dimension: 32m X 2m

Coverage Area: Wuse/Wuye/Area1/ Berger

Vehicular traffic:: 500,000 to 800,000

Visibility Angle: Head-On

Estimated Eyeball:: 800,000 views daily

Visibility Distance: 1,100 meter

Rate Per Month: N900,000


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