LED Billboards

Showing 1–16 of 96 results

List and Cost of LED billboards in Lagos, Abuja, and other parts of Nigeria.

We have over 250 LED Billboards in Nigeria in places like Lagos, Abuja, and other parts of Nigeria, and the sizes of our digital advertising billboards include 6m X 18m, 8 x 10, 4 x 15, etc. the list forms part of our digital Out-of-Home network.

Cost of LED Billboards in Nigeria

The Cost of Led billboards in Lagos (Digital advertising) ranges from N1,000,000 (One million naira) and N8,000 (Eight million naira per month) while in other States like Ogun state, Abuja, Kano, Anambra state, etc. is between N750,000 and N4,000,000 per month (Seven hundred and fifty thousand and 3 million naira)

Digital out of Home (LED Billboards) creates a unique canvas for top-notch creativity & social media integration, Led is able to drive Social, mobile, and digital engagement better than any other advertising medium

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